Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Christian and James: Background Detailing Begins and Lighting

The work continues. I spent some time in illustrator and creating layers of light, shadow and texture on this bookshelf.  As the background comes to life, I can circle back around to James and Christian and really get them in gear.  I did change the blend mode on the shadows to meld them with the environment more.  That was a good call.

I admit,  this may be the most attention I've made myself give to environment (especially man made) recently.  Things are coming along.  Tomorrow I'll tackle the floor and railing.  Then I need to get some books on those shelves!!  Thank goodness for layers.


  1. Wow, that is really good. You got talent.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I'll be working on this piece some more this week.


Imaginings by Kristy

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