Friday, February 3, 2012

Grumpy Snomwen: Brief Post Mortem

Late 2011 through January 2012, I was offered an opportunity to work in Michigan State University's Games for Entertainment and Learning (GEL) Lab on a light-hearted, holiday Angry Birds parody called Grumpy Snowmen.  I was asked to come on board as a 2D artist on a team that included William Jeffrey (Game Designer), Eric Musser (3D Artist), Dan Sosnowski (Programmer), Jon Moore (Programmer), and Professor Brian Winn (Producer/Game Designer).

Described as "a video game that features Michigan State University mascot Sparty taking on up-to-no-good snowmen", Grumpy Snowmen has been a fun ride, and out over 9,000 downloads in the App Store suggest that Spartans agree.  The game is available in the App Store as well as in a web-player.

Of course, I think you should play it!

Lessons Learned

It is a great experience to work on a project that becomes as polished as Grumpy Snowmen.  I've been lucky to rapidly develop several game on team projects here at Michigan State (notably, Dust Tales in Spring 2011, Nine Lives in Fall 2011, Wave: A Rhapsody in Cantando in Fall 2011, Out of the Oven in Fall 2011, and Phoenix Friendly Fire a 2012 GGJ game), but the truth is that the development time is so short (not to mention the games are sometimes over-scoped for the time limits), that it is amazing to get this kind of opportunity for polish.

As a 2D artist this meant I was researching photos to accurately (yet simply) portray campus buildings, developing a consistent color palette, tweaking campus buildings, UI backgrounds and logos, conferring with the producer and game designer to ensure that my art was meeting the needs of the projects, and picking up tips from our programmers to ensure art could be optimized for mobile devices.  I relearned how to do bleeds with Alpha channels to eliminate ghosting and started to fine tune my workflow from Abobe Illustrator to Adobe Photoshop to Unity 3D.

I can certainly confess that I learned some lessons about art for mobile devices that is going to come in handy for two current projects I cannot yet discuss.

In the Press

This project has been very rewarding, in part because of the way it is being celebrated now across campus.  Here are some of the Michigan State news articles and blog entries that have been written about the game!

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